Soul Realignment Therapy

Techniques & services provided by Willingdon Heights Massage Therapy

Soul Realignment Therapy in Burnaby

Non-Registered Healing Modalities

Soul Realignment™ is an intuitive healing modality created by Andrrea Hess. It is a way of accessing the Akashic Records to unlock our Soul-level potential and clear negative patterns and restrictions at soul level. Soul Realignment™ is different than other healing modalities, because it allows us to gather information from the Akashic Records about who we are at Soul-level and what Divine gifts we were given when we were created by Divine Source. Soul Realignment™ also allows us to gather information about how we have deviated away from who we are at soul-level, and therefore we can use this information to understand how we have created the life we currently have. This information empowers us to make different choices and take new actions in order to live our life according to our Soul’s identity in real and practical ways.

Soul Realignment™ empowers us to step into our Divinity and experience ourselves at the level of our everyday life as the spiritual beings that we are. It allows us to use our intuitive and manifesting abilities in order to create the life we want that is congruent to our Divine gifts and to who we are at Soul-level.

Andrrea Hess has created the Soul Realignment™ program that consists of various levels where each one dives deeper into how we are designed at soul-level and how we can constantly level up and live our divinity in our Human Experience. She is constantly empowering us to create the life we want and challenges us to address the blocks, restrictions and limiting beliefs that are holding us back from manifesting the life we desire or using Vital Force Energy to our fullest potential.

Soul Realignment™ is not just an akashic record reading, it is a healing modality that can help us along our spiritual path for years to come. It is an empowering tool that can be used to get clarity regarding relationships with various people, places and things in our life. It is a tool that can help us manifest the life we desire by using The Manifesting Blueprint and understand how we manifest the way we do. It is an empowering modality that can help us raise our vibration and use more Vital Force Energy that is all around us in abundance if we are truly willing to look at ourselves and take a deep dive into our shadow side and our choices that do not align 100 % with who we are at soul-level. It is a tool that can help us get to know our Spirit Guide Team and learn how to ask them for guidance and find out what our Soul Specializations are as well as what our life lessons are. It is a truly transformative modality if we embrace the information and choose new actions while taking new steps toward living our Divinity that are sometimes uncomfortable, but so worth it.

Soul Realignment™ is a modality that has the ability to completely transform your life if you are ready for it. Each soul is a unique individuation of the Divine and each soul has its own Gifts and specific ways of manifesting its human experience, but most importantly, our soul is the key to unlocking our spiritual potential.

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